Feb 21Liked by Natasha Scott-Reichel, Jessica Scott

so happy to hear from the Scott siblings! Learned a lot about your family and background and how that informed each of your perspectives. Curious about how gender plays into how you each think about these ideas?? Want to discuss more.

Embarrassed to say it wasn't until COLLEGE that I consciously thought about the difference in experience between African Americans and immigrant black Americans from other parts of the world. Gonna go ahead and blame that on our weak education system you guys mention!! Thank you each for your thoughts on the show- loved hearing from you :) as the only other participant on the midnight watch so far, I have to say you guys sounded so much less awk than me LOL. Podcast naturals!!!

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I’m sure gender plays a huge role. Traditional gender roles is very apparent in our family and within Jamaican culture; it’s definitely colored my feminist, rebellious nature and the fight and bite I have for standing up for the underdog in mostly all cases.

Not surprised that distinction wasn’t clear to you until college. The nuances of our experiences as children of the diaspora simply isn’t taught or really even discussed. Thanks always for listening and learning with us! You were a podcast natural as well friend!

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